This is the Moment

The road we’ve been through
The foundation of UHIC.
Approval of corporation by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade.
(Approval date: 11/10, registration number: 461)
Approved by the Ministry of Finance and Economy as an organization for donations.
Launching a branch in Kenya, Nairobi and Philippines, Manila.
Sending a team of volunteers in the Philippines.
Forming a union with 10 local study halls.
Publishing a series of books called UE.
Opening the child health care center, U-center 1 in Tanga, Tanzania.
Opening a child health center in Philippines Bataan.
Opening the 1st Uhican cafe.
Running a child nutrition center in Indonesia.
Establishing a public health center in the Philippines.
Selected as ‘The NGO of the year’ by the Indonesian and Philippine government.
Selected as the auditing institution for the Korean Association of Foreign Aid.
Achieving a special negotiation position at the UN Economic Society Board.
Running a 'Save a life a month' initiative.
An agreement ceremony with Samsung Everland Inc. on supporting food supplies for its sponsored café.
An agreement ceremony with Korean Air Inc.
Opening the child health care center 'U-Center 2' in Tanga, Tanzania.
Starting the single mother's job education program NABI Project in Dar-es-salaam, Tanzania.
Opening the child health care center 'U-Center 3' in Tanga, Tanzania.
Staring the Kids Keeper Project in Tanga, Tanzania.
Opening the 2nd Uhican cafe.
Running the Kids Keeper Project in Tanga, Tanzania
Running the child health care center U-CENTERs (Pongwe, Mikanjuni, and Mafuriko) in Tanga, Tanzania